On the 15th February, 2011, Lee Duncan's (33) body was discovered in his Lauriston Place flat, by his girlfriend. Lee had 15 injuries to his head and face consistent with blows from a hammer. Some of the injuries had been inflicted with the claw end of the hammer. Lee's sister Melanie Purdie said of Lee; "He was a soft-natured character who would never hurt a soul, and that is what makes his death all the harder to come to terms with."
A friend of Lee Duncan was tried for his murder but later acquitted. He said hat Lee was his friend and that "I bought cannabis from him and heroin a few times, but not much because it was very low grade." He claimed he was at Lee's house that evening from 19:00 - 19:30 for a cup of tea an joint. And that, that was the last time he'd seen him.
The court heard that Lee Duncan's blood had been found on the tread of his friend’s new shoes and that he had confessed to the murder to a cellmate in prison.